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Books and literature

In the following you will find selected book and literature recommmendations on the topics
Online surveys in general, Online market research, Employee surveys / Employee satisfaction, 360 degree assessment / Analysis, Customer survey / Customer satisfaction, Quality management surveys, psychological and sociological surveys.

Research methods and statistic

Data Analysis with SPSS
Robert H. Carver, Jane Gradwohl Nash

Date of publication: 2005, Publisher: Thompson Brooks/Cole, ISBN: 049510793X

Data Analysis with SPSS
Thomas W. Pavkov, Kent A. Pierce

Date of publication: 2006, Publisher: McGraw Hill Higher Education, ISBN: 0073126659

Data Analysis
Raymond A. Kent

Date of publication: 2001, Publisher: Palgrave MacMillan, ISBN: 0333763068

Internet Research Methods
Claire Hewson, Peter Yule, Dianna Laurent

Date of publication: 2002, Publisher: Sage Publications Ltd, ISBN: 0761959203